What To Consider When Choosing A Mobility Scooter

3 min read Updated 22/01/2024
What To Consider When Choosing A Mobility Scooter

Do you need to transport your scooter?

If you are intending to take your scooter to and from places, then choosing a scooter that either folds or dismantles easily in to your boot is fundamental. Furthermore, appreciating who will be doing the lifting should be considered, as mobility scooters even in their disassembled pieces will have some weight, so do always check the specification to understand weights and dimensions.

How long are your predicted journeys and what is the terrain like?

Understanding where you are most likely to use your scooter is important. Scooters come with different features and variations that can have an impact on their ride comfort. Features such as, suspension, seat comfort, type of tyre. Having a scooter with suspension, a captain seat, pneumatic tyres will provide a very comfortable ride. However, do take in to consideration the risk of punctures with pneumatic tyres if you suspect the terrain you might travel across might cause a puncture. Furthermore, check the max range of each scooter to make sure the maximum range comfortably covers a typical planned journey to and from your destination.

What are the users capabilities like?

Users with less mobility, we would recommend a scooter with a swivel seat to aid transferring on and off a scooter. Furthermore, scooters with larger leg room benefit taller users to allow them to extend their legs for added comfort.

Mobility Scooter Types

Folding Mobility Scooter

Folding scooters do exactly what they say on the tin. Making the most of technological automation, folding scooters have the ability to self fold with a click of a button, making life easier with no need to disassemble any parts or pieces.

Travel Mobility Scooter

By far the lightest and most compact scooters, offering users the ability to easily dismantle, store and transport via their vehicle. These scooters are the perfect option for those looking to take their scooter on their travels.

Boot Scooters

Just as the name suggests, these scooters are the best pick if you are looking for a mobility scooter which is easy to disassemble and transport via the boot of your car. They all have speeds of 4 mph and are for use on pavements.

Pavement Scooters

Pavement scooters have a maximum speed of 4 mph and are the perfect scooter type to getting you out and about. They are more substantial than typically boot scooters or travel scooters, as they usually are offered with a luxuriously padded captains seat. 

6-8 mph Scooters

These 6-8 mph are Class 3 mobility scooters and are road legal. These scooters offer users the best combination of range, comfort and style. These scooters are not designed for car boot transportation.

Mobility Scooter Frequently Asked Questions

Should I insure my mobility scooter?

You are not legally required to have insurance on your mobility scooter. Insurance is designed to give you peace of mind if you ever encounter a problem that isn't covered by your warranty. For more information simply contact one of our team today.

Where can I use my mobility Scooter?

  • Class 2 products can only be used on the pavement and have a maximum speed of 4mph. Recipients aged under 14 are restricted to Class 2 products.

  • Class 3 products can travel up to 8mph and are road legal, although must only be driven at 4mph on pavements. These must be registered with the DVLA by filling out a V55 Form.
    Read our V55 Form Guide to learn how to complete the form registration.

How often should I charge my batteries?

We always recommend that when your mobility scooter is not in use to put it on charge. Do not charge for short periods. Charging your mobility scooter to full over night is a good practice to follow. We advise 12-14 hours left on charge. Try not to run your batteries run flat.

If you would like to read our Battery Guide Manual then please CLICK HERE.

Need help choosing your perfect Mobility Scooter?

Call our friendly team on 0333 444 3160.